FREE Offers

Are you confident your PPSR registrations have all been performed correctly? As you know, one simple error can invalidate your registration.

Do you really want to find out the ‘hard way’ when a Liquidator rejects your registration? In our experience (from over 10 years reviewing PPSR registrations) the typical registration error rate ranges from 15% to 100% of registrations.

PPSR Cloud’s automated assurance review feature will scan all your PPSR registrations and identify the common registration errors including:

  • Incorrect Grantor identifiers
  • Outdated Grantor identifiers
  • Grantor Status changes
  • Failure to elect PMSI
  • Existence of Transitional Registrations
  • Incorrect Proceeds election
  • Incorrect Control election
  • Incorrect Subordinated election
  • And more…

Just sign up for our 30-day obligation free trial of PPSR Cloud and the assurance review will be performed immediately. It’s a great ‘health check’ for your registrations. You also get the opportunity to try out Australia’s newest and most sophisticated PPSR registration, search and data management software. There’s no charge for the first 30 days and no obligation to continue.

If you’re not ready for this step right now, our free error calculator will provide an estimate of the value of possible errors in your registrations.

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